Home News Juma Khamis: A school dropout who rose from Mitumba Hawking to wealthy...

Juma Khamis: A school dropout who rose from Mitumba Hawking to wealthy Status

Juma Khamis. Photo courtesy.

Juma ‘Jay’ Khamis Mohammed’s misfortune and enduring started in the wake of exiting school in Form Two because of an absence of school expenses.

One needn’t bother with another opportunity in life to understand his desires. All he wants is trust in the thing he is doing and a steady assurance to succeed. Because of the tremendous number of individuals that come in for provisions or to purchase mitumba for individual use, selling mitumba pieces of clothing in Gikomba and other significant outside commercial centres is effective.

Humble Beginnings

Juma was constrained to sell involved bundles of clothing in Nairobi, a day to day existence he depicts as troublesome, with captures by City police among the difficulties he confronted.

“Until you’ve carried on with the existence of a peddler, you’ll have no clue about what sufferings are.” But I’m thankful to God since that work furnished me with a road degree,’ which is undeniably more valuable than any authority instruction I’ve at any point had.”

Jay guarantees that he was continuously considering ways of working on his life while filling in as a seller. For a certain something, he realized he needed to maintain his own business.

Then, at that point, he had the plan to send off an occasions organization, which he named ‘Parrot Company’ and enrolled.

Luckily, the business began with no cash.

“My occupation was to observe people who expected to put together an occasion yet didn’t have the foggiest idea how.” Then I’d come in and help them plan and get the stuff they required. Whenever the business began to get, I was employed to deal with enormous agreements like the one where I lost a truckload of cash.”

His slip-ups in occasion arranging, nonetheless, wouldn’t end there. “I was once drawn closer by Barclays Bank of Kenya for karaoke diversion administrations. I didn’t know what they were searching for.

Diligence and Struggles

Despite the mix-ups, Jay, who had never worked, was not going to surrender at this time. His next belief was to grow his product offering to incorporate marking. He’d zero in on advanced printing, banners, underneath the-line showcasing, and exploratory advertising at this school.

“It was trying in the first place since this was the kind of thing I had never done.” However, I had individuals in the business who helped me.”

Jay stumbled upon the opportunity of a lifetime because of a marking task with Airtel Kenya. After then, at that point, Stanbic Bank and Orange Telkom joined the group.

“In any event, during the publicizing of the low-end ‘Kadunda’ cell phone, Parrot has conceded an agreement to deal with Orange’s marking. That was a turning point for us.”

Millionaire in the Making

Jay has teamed up with different firms, including M-Kopa, Telkom Kenya, Lenovo, and CMC Motors. His business produces KES 70 million in yearly income and has resources worth more than KES40 million. Moreover, he utilizes 21 specialists.

Jay’s firm has been especially fruitful during the mission. Legislators have looked for his marking mastery to assist them with further developing their mission systems.

Different lawmakers, including Former Nairobi Women’s Representative Rachael Shebesh, Former Isiolo Governor Godana Doyo, Narok Governor Samuel Tunai, a few Member of Parliament up-and-comers, and Member of County Assembly applicants, have had announcement standards created for them.

On inquisitive regarding what has moved Jay along such a long time, considering the difficulties he has confronted. “I don’t know how to give up.” Defeat isn’t the most ideal end for me; it is just a clue that I want to better or take a stab at a genuinely new thing.”

Trustworthiness in Business

He likewise puts a premium on trustworthiness, guaranteeing that it is his most important resource.

“Try not to deceive your client on the off chance that you can’t create an item or administration inside a particular time period. Come clean to them. The majority of finance managers deceive augment their benefits while overlooking the administrations they give.”

He likewise encourages hopeful organizations to assemble a positive standing. What does the review most distinctively from his days as a road seller?

“All that returns to me,” I review how troublesome life was. “I likewise take the things I’ve learned with me,” he closes, “especially with regards to bartering and recognizing a genuine client.”


One significant illustration I need to give to youngsters is that it isn’t inappropriate to be aggressive; by and by, you should be modest in your goals. Capitalize on minor changes that come with your method for guaranteeing that you are completely ready for what’s to come. You will show up at your ideal objective assuming you keep up with your concentration. Keep in mind the worth of humble beginnings. There’s a purpose for everything