Home Lifestyle A Kenyan Super-Lady tells meeting her crush, a “Mjengo man,” on the...

A Kenyan Super-Lady tells meeting her crush, a “Mjengo man,” on the Nairobi-Nyeri Highway.

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Crushes are mostly caused by great attraction. A woman’s early attraction is usually fueled by an electric spark or a bodily draw toward him.

Waruguru Kiai, a Kenyan woman, has left the internet with laughs after spilling her feelings out to a guy she met on the highway. She said she observed the dude on the Nyeri-Nairobi route and was taken by his handsome appearance.

“I went through this highway last week and noticed an extraordinarily attractive man at this spot at Karataina. I believe he works as a constructor. He was a stunning black man “she remarked in a video that she posted on Social media.

Is it possible to manage your feelings for someone?

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When it comes to love, it’s impossible to suppress your emotions. There should be no time restriction or minimum amount of time necessary. If something is going to happen, whether you like it or not, it is going to happen. People think of relationships as the conclusion of their development.

Waruguru stated that she like dark males and gasped at him, but she failed to ask for his phone number.

“This is my request to you, the black contract worker on this road with the beards that I whistled at last week.” Please, simu, nipigie call me. She said, ‘My fingernails are done…call me.’ “Ama (optionally), someone in authority should provide me a list of all the construction firms so I know how to do it,” she continues.

Did She Crush on or just Liked him?

Waruguru Kiai.

Liking someone is more about being drawn to their non-physical characteristics (such as their personality), whereas crushing on someone is more about being drawn to their physical appearance. Crushes are more prone to love sentiments emerging.

“Just because you have a crush on someone doesn’t imply you’d choose to be with them,” Bennett explained. “It also implies you may be happy in a relationship with someone who isn’t your crush.”

What makes us have a crush on someone?

We develop crushes on someone because we believe they can fulfil a need that isn’t being met elsewhere. This might be a need for love, attention, sex, companionship, or anything else.