Home News Maurice Kirya announces new album’s name, shares artwork

Maurice Kirya announces new album’s name, shares artwork


Maurice last discharged Associate in Nursing album in 2019 referred to as ‘Beyond Myself’. consistent with his latest update, the approaching album are going to be called The Road To Kirya.

Maurice Kirya

On Sunday, he had tweeted and declared that he had completed the assembly of his returning album.

“Today, the sixth day of March 2022, I’ve completed my album production. Tomorrow, the seventh day of March 2022, i will be able to rest. I’m in with this creation of mine. Album Title to be discovered presently,” Maurice tweeted.

On cathartic the new album’s design and album name, he aforesaid on Instagram: “The Road to Kirya album dropping presently.”

He sent that he endowed plenty of his time, soul, and cash in putt the album along throughout the pandemic.

“This far and away are going to be the foremost big-ticket album I’ve ever created, I poured my soul and my checking account into it, creating such a body of labor throughout a deadly disease is not any joke, particularly with the rules on shows. i’m with great care happy that it’s virtually prepared for you!” he aforesaid antecedently.

Maurice is one amongst the Ugandan musicians UN agency appeared to have nonexistent from the diversion scene when the pandemic happened and this can be as a result of he seldom makes public appearances still as media interviews.


Maurice additionally had his official Facebook account hacked and he’s however to come to the page, being go by unknown hackers.

He additionally recently declared on social media that he had variable together with his baby mama.

“Its now ayear since we have to reciprocally separated. We’ve learned a way to co-parent and do a good job at it. Our relationship can invariably stay, as can the plain bond we’ve because the folks to our expensive female offspring. Love, always,” he tweeted.