Anne Kansiime common too several as Kansiime Anne may be a terribly crazy high Ugandan comedian. Her skits ar fun and no approach can’t you be dead by her jokes. such a large amount of folks would like to be like her and if you actually need to, here is a way to be her, Listen or scan.
What, that an excessive amount of, cut yourself. No cut back any. you wish to be short shorter. we wish you to be summarized and temporary. Her different name ought to are height defaulter.
What you don’t have tall compose for in Noise. Kansiime is barely quite once she is swallowing food. several people marvel however that a lot of noise will take off of one thing thus little like her. Her the trick, you’re not a instrumentation, you manufacture them on the go. thus continuously be talking.

Always have that cute lipstick on. have you ever ever seen Ann Kansiime while not her thus on purpose lipstick on? It’s continuously moneyed and on fleek. Her lipstick is like Bebe Cool’s dreads, it’s like Lydia Jazmine’s weave. it’s like Omulangira Ndausi’s pot belly and Sunflower State Alpha’s daring head.
Her lipstick is an element of the complete package she serves everybody thus to be her, your lips got to be continuously freshly unbroken painted.
Be further standard. To be like Ann Kansiime, you’ve got to try and do one thing further standard that has failing such a large amount of Ugandan celebrities to manage. you may got to visit outside countries and still come with identical accent you left with. suppose you’ll be able to manage that? You won’t create it as Kansiime if you can’t manage that.