With the ever rising rate of unemployment in Kenya today, landing a job is an uphill task .You find alot of graduates tarmacking even though they have degree papers .Some end up doing casual jobs to sustain them .This is the case for a one Kenyan lady who is working as a waiter.
The lady shared with us the naughty experience she got on the good Friday.The lady who is a graduate working in one of the Kenyan hotels was irritated by the sentiments said by one of the clients to his son during the good Friday .(Being Easter holidays many people are celebrating with their families and flooding in hotels ).
Taking to social media, the lady said one family, a dad and his son, walked into a hotel where she works and ordered pizza which she served them.
However, in the Friday, April 15 incident, the lady said while she was turning to get them serviettes, she overheard the dad telling his son to work hard so that he doesn’t become like her.
The lady said it was not her wish that she is working as a waitress but trying to get something to keep her going as she pursue her postgraduate studies .She added that she is a holder of Bachelor’s degree and got a second class upper .
“I am a girl who topped KCPE, I was literally in the newspapers, passed KCSE, graduated campus with a second class honours upper division and I am currently a post-graduate student.
I am a lady tired of doing free internships for now because honestly, my landlord doesn’t take exposure and experience for rent the last time I checked,” the lady said.
The lady said since she got into an angry mood but she had to welcome them again because all in all she is after making money .
With a smile, I was like, ” Enjoy your pizza and welcome again.” And I silently walked away,” she added.
My advise to the reader
Respect people of different works .Not all of us can work in white collar jobs despite meeting the qualifications .We understand that the job market is flooded and one will opt for a plan B .