Home Entertainment “Kama Huna Mansion Usibishane Na Mimi,” Khaligraph Tells Fellow Artists

“Kama Huna Mansion Usibishane Na Mimi,” Khaligraph Tells Fellow Artists

Khaligraph Jones stated that he will currently be arguing with artists who own a mansion, emphasizing that they have to respect the OG with fire and force.
Instagram Photo. Khaligraph Jones.
  • Khaligraph Jones stated that he will currently be arguing with artists who own a mansion, emphasizing that they have to respect the OG with fire and force.

Rapper Khaligraph Jones has warned his fellow artists who believe they can easily start clashing with him musically and financially.

Papa Jones, as he calls himself, released a video on Instagram of his luxury home, stating that any artist who believes he has the authority to debate with him should first own such a home.

Jones revealed the progress of the building’s construction, which has now been completed on in Nairobi, prompting people to make fun of him that it is as big as Zetech College.

After it was completed, Jones stated that it is now the standard for anyone who wants to argue with him and that he must be treated with respect without asking for it or begging.

“Right now, I have to argue with an artist who owns a mansion first. “You will respect OG by fire and force,” Khaligraph Jones vowed.

Khali graph’s statements have been approved not only by his followers but also by his other artists, who believe he is at the top