Home News “Mkinishika Mtakuwa Mnanionea Bure Tu” Yesu wa Tongaren Amid Arrest Rumours

“Mkinishika Mtakuwa Mnanionea Bure Tu” Yesu wa Tongaren Amid Arrest Rumours

Speaking to the media, Yesu wa Tongaren said that the police from Bungoma headquarters are after his church since the Mackenzie and Ezeckiel incidents.
  • “Mkinishika mtakuwa mnanionea bure tu” Yesu wa Tongaren amid arrest rumours
  • The tongaren-based preacher is afraid of his church after several interrogations from officers.
  • Speaking to the media, Yesu wa Tongaren said that the police from Bungoma headquarters are after his church since the Mackenzie and Ezeckiel incidents.
  • According to the Bungoma police, in case they found the Yesu Wa Tongaren associated with any cult, actions will be taken.

Churches have been on the look countrywide following the ‘Shakahola massacre’ associated with Pastor Mackenzie. Who is associated with asking his followers to fast until death? The pastor told them that they could meet Jesus after their death.

In Bungoma, a self-proclaimed Jesus is also on the look. Police drawn from the area OCS and those from the headquarters have held several interrogations with Yesu Wa Tongaren.

According to the police, several incidents have been doubted to take place within Yesu Wa Tongaren’s church premises.

Recently, it was reported that a woman visited Yesu Wa Tongaren’s church after her husband’s death. According to the report, Yesu wa Tongaren asked the wife to stay and not to return until the husband was buried.

Another report from the area police subjected Yesu wa Tongaren of asking a woman church member who visited his church not to return home.

Despite all this, Yesu wa Tongaren identified himself clean and will continue preaching the word of God. Speaking to the media, Yesu Wa Tongaren said that he has visited the OCS for talks to see the way forward.

The Bungoma police and leaders have also defended the church calling him God’s servant who should not be associated with any cult.