Home News “Wewe huwezi Seduce Ata Nzi,” A Fuming Akothee Fires Out At Andrew...

“Wewe huwezi Seduce Ata Nzi,” A Fuming Akothee Fires Out At Andrew Kibe

  • Akothee subjected kibe to an attack on April 25, 2023, calling him a weak man who couldn’t even lure a bee.
  • According to Akothee, Kibe is confusing the next generation.
  • Madam boss also stated that Kibe is a toxic man, and everyone who follows him may be toxic as well.

Kibe is well-known for his reactive remarks, most of which are directed towards celebrities. Especially those who appear to be going against his will.
Kibe’s most common targets are women. And Akothee had no choice herself.

Akothee’s attack on Kibe.

On April 25th, 2023 Akothee, who is a musician and businesswoman, officially formed an attack on the former radio host, who is now a YouTuber located in the United States. In some ways, this was interpreted as defending the female gender, particularly those affected by Kibe’s content.

On her social media accounts, Madam boss shared a post in which she referred to Kibe several characters. This was after she came across a post by Kibe, comparing Akothee and Millicent Omanga’s bedroom skills.

‘Kibe wewe mwenyewe huwezi ata seduce nzi, hauna nguvu pombe imemaliza libido’ wrote Akothee on the attack.

Akothee also accused the YouTube blogger of causing distress to children. This was When it comes to sending their parents for DNA tests.

“Andrew Kibe you will not attack families and subject kids to trauma for sending their parents for DNA online, Kwani wewe babako tunamjua?” Continued Akothee.

Akothee made these remarks after Kibe gave Thee Pluto $1000 offer to do a DNA test with his wife Felicity Shiru. Doubting their parental to their daughter.

Read also: “Do the DNA test, and I will pay you 134k” Andrew Kibe challenges Pluto.

Madam boss also referred to Kibe as a Kenyan reject to the United States who was wasting time monitoring people’s lives. While other men are working from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. According to Akothee, Kibe is toxic, and everyone who follows him is toxic as well.

Akothee finished by defending her friend Sarah Kabu, whom Kibe attacked for trying to get pregnant at the age of 40.

“Kwani wewe uko na Uterus” Akothee’s word to kibe after his attack to Sarah Kabu.

As usual, everyone is looking forward to Kifee’s return. And, as we all know, this will not end soon. It might go numerous shots before the game is on its side.