This young man is already living his dream life at the age of 33. He owns 18 vehicles and has a media company under his name. He even plans to expand multiple businesses in the future.
Rodgers, 33, attended Moi Forces Academy before enrolling at Catholic University, where he earned a bachelor’s degree in law.
The 33-year-old is a married father of two. He began his career as a car wash attendant. Later, he opened his own car wash in South B Nairobi and expanded to other areas.
Rodgers’ car wash business was a success, and he opened a yard along Bunyala Road in Nairobi. More than two hundred wrecked vehicles were housed in the yard, which was located on a one-acre plot of land. Like the previous car wash business, he expanded his operation to several sections of Nairobi.
Rodgers founded Meru TV, a media station, utilizing the proceeds from his businesses.
The billionaire, who is not interested in running for office, revealed that he has over 18 cars. These include the Land Rover Discovery, Toyota V8, three Range Rovers, and six Mercedes-Benzes, among others.
He also owns a luxury house in Karen Nairobi, as well as another in the Tigania east Constituency.
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