Home Lifestyle Mike Sonko promises to offer former boxing champion Congestina Achieng a job...

Mike Sonko promises to offer former boxing champion Congestina Achieng a job at his boxing gym

Mike Sonko says he will hire former boxing champion Congestina Achieng at his boxing gym.

Mike Sonko comes to the aid of former boxing champion conjestina Achieng, promising her a job as an instructor at his boxing gym.

After a photo of Congestina went viral on the internet, revealing her poor health, Sonko publicly stated his intention to assist the former athlete in any way he can.

Photo of Congestina Achieng. Photo courtesy.

Mike Mbuvi sonko, a politician and businessman, is a goodhearted person who has demonstrated this in a variety of ways. He has assisted a number of those in need in overcoming life’s challenges.

Sonko, who was scheduled to appear in court today, was forced to miss it in order to attend to mentally ill former boxing champion Congestina Achieng.

Speaking in Alego, Nyanza. He promised to look after Congestina’s health completely. Give her a job training Boxers at one of his gyms.

“Mimi mniwachie Congestina, I’ll make sure she gets the right medication until she’s fully recovered. Following that, I will offer her a position as an instructor at one of my gyms “Sonko stated

Mike Sonko went on to accuse the government of failing to recognise former athletes who fought to raise the flag of this country. One of them is Congestina Achieng.

The I’ll Congestina as been suffering mentall illness for long even after carrying the Kenyan flag international. Obtaining medals.

Full video is here >> Mike Sonko

Source: Mike Sonko