Home News Nakupenda mum: Kingkaka shows love to his mum and builds her a...

Nakupenda mum: Kingkaka shows love to his mum and builds her a house


Seeing our mothers happy is just but another level of blessings .Your   mother was there for your through thick and thin and it is important to cherish and thank her for the love and dedication she put in through the years and this is  exactly what  Kennedy Ombima allias King kaka has done  to his mum.

Well ,they normally say every relationship is beautiful but Mother -son relationship is beyond description . Kinga kaka has built his mum a luxurious home worth millions.

king kaka and his mother .

Through his Facebook page , the Kenyan wrapper posted a photo of the  new house .Building his mother a luxurious home is something he had hoped for since his childhood  .This came after their  house was  locked out by the kanjos over ksh 500 rent areas.

“One day I came home from school and Kanjo had placed a Very Big padlock coz we couldn’t afford to pay Kshs 500 rent, I promised my mom that in the future I’ll buy her a house. Fast forward 4days ago we just prayed in the living room of this house that I build for her. The Sounds of testimony and I am happy that she has a place she can call home. Thank you mom for putting on a brave face over the years even when I knew things were not okay. Asante and Be blessed. To all the believers, It’s possible! And God is Love.”he said

Now as we speak, King kaka’s mother has a place to call home.

This is an encouragement to you outside there. Strive hard to put a smile on your mother’s face.