Home News I want to be buried in a glass coffin when I die...

I want to be buried in a glass coffin when I die ,says Ugandan singer Josee Chameleon

Celebrated Ugandan musician Joseph Mayanja, popularly known as Jose Chameleone has left many in Schock and disbelief when he gave instructions on how wants to be burried when he dies .

Chemeleone was interviewed at NBS Television  where he gave the strict instructions concerning his burial.

Chameleone said that he wants to be buried in a Glass Coffin so that his fans and other people can have a clear view of his body even from a distance.

He also revealed that he is not afraid to explain what he wants or does not want when it come to his death since death is a must for everyone. He also recently gave out the budget for his funeral saying that he doesn’t want his family to struggle financially upon his demise like the family of other celebrities do.

Well as you know in every African society there is a way in which they burry the dead to please their ancestors !! Some communities believe in the fact that when  a certain procedure is not followed when burrying the dead , the spirits will haunt and even curse the community .

But under other circumstances when someone writes a will ,  the instructions given by person before death is followed .This is the way Josee Chameleone has taken .