Home News Samwel Mulwa: A Kenyan truck driver earning KES 700,000 per month in...

Samwel Mulwa: A Kenyan truck driver earning KES 700,000 per month in the United States.

PhotoShop. Courtesy of Kenyantrend.

Kenyans are working hard all over the world. Europe, Asia, America, and Africa are all represented. Earning large sums of money working outside the region.

Every Kenyan wishes to travel to the United States for work. Keeping in mind that the country is one of the most economically established in the world.

In this article, we will look at the story of Samwel Mulwa, a truck driver. He is one of the few Kenyans who have found employment within the United States. Getting paid a monthly salary of 700,000 Kenya shillings.

I’m 2020, Mulwa left Kenya in search of greener pastures in the United States. He participated in a truck driving program during his entry months. According to him, the opportunity was initiated to him by a friend who had been working in the industry for six years.

“I joined truck driving school and attended a five-week program” said Samwel.

 He went on to say that he paid a total of 447,000 Kenya shillings for basic training.

The massive training fee could not keep the man from looking back. He decidedthe decision to seek the bag. This eventually yielded a positive return.

Pay is also determined by experience level. He claims that driving for five days on a weekend earns him Kenya shillings 178,000. However, a tax is deducted from the pay, leaving it at 155,000 Kenya shillings.

Mulwa is urging Kenyans to apply for jobs in other countries. Because they pay well, according to him.