Home News President Ruto Stuns With His Rapping Skills During The Launch of The...

President Ruto Stuns With His Rapping Skills During The Launch of The Talanta Hela

During the formal launch of Talanta Hela, Ruto was observed recording a rap chorus with Gospel musician Guardian Angel. An incident that caught the public attention.
Photo: Plug Tv (Youtube- screengrab)
  • During the formal launch of Talanta Hela, Ruto was observed recording a rap chorus with Gospel musician Guardian Angel. An incident that caught the public attention.
  • Other artists and content creators stopped by to encourage the president ending up his music session on a high note.

On June 9th, 2023, the president, Ruto was part of the government team that welcomed content creators and artists to the statehouse for the launch of the Talanta Hela initiative. The movement advocates for at least allowing content creators to monetise their work.

The president of Kenya is no stranger to rap and singing. He appeared on multiple tracks, including his renowned campaign song, “Hatupangingwi,” which was originally composed by Exray, a Gengtone artist.

President Ruto drew everyone’s attention in the statehouse after being directed to a music session by Gospel musician Guardian Angel. The president was heard composing a rap wile enjoying himself, surrounded by a group of artists and content creators.

Talanta Hela black, red, and green…..President Ruto could be heard singing loudly.

Video courtesy: Plug TV.