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“Pay for a bus ticket to Bungoma to see Jesus”. Yesu wa Tongaren message to Pastor Mackenzie’s fasting members

Image|Courtesy. Yesu wa Tongaren pst Mackenzie.
  • Yesu wa Tongaren advises anyone considering starvation fasting not to do so. He wants them visit the true Jesus from Bungoma.
  • According to him, he has questions as to why Christians are fasting to death.
  • Instead, Yesu wa Tongaren has offered to those fasting to death to meet him Jesus, in person.

Read also: Yesu wa Tongaren says people with dreadlocks will not enter heaven

Bodies of approximately 40 church members have been discovered in the Shakahola tragedy Which as been named as the “Shakahola massacre.” Due to a prolonged fast.

Mackenzie, the church pastor, had forced his members to fast until they met Jesus, leading to multiple of them to lose their lives.

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“Yesu wa Tongaren,” a popular self-proclaimed Jesus from Bungoma, broke his silence over the Shakahola incident. And, according to him, he wants those who are fasting to look for him in Bungoma rather than killing themselves.

Yesu wa Tongaren has questions as to how an individual may be persuaded to fast till death. in order to meet Jesus in heaven when he comes from Bungoma. 

In order to avoid death, the self-proclaimed Jesus offered all of Pastor Mackenzie’s followers a break from fasting. And Instead, acquire a Tahmeed bus ticket to see him alive in Bungoma.