Home News “Mwanamziki Bora Tanzania Ni Diamond” Harmonize confesses as he was performing on...

“Mwanamziki Bora Tanzania Ni Diamond” Harmonize confesses as he was performing on stage

Harmonize is a famous Tanzanian celebrated Bongo artist known for his hit songs and good quality videos . He is a father of one beautiful girl called Zuu Konde . Harmonize is among the artist in Tanzania living luxurious lifestyle as from his post it is evident . He is a brand influencer , brand ambasador , fashion model , CEO , business man , song writer , song performer and dancer .


Harmonize for the past three years has been beefing with his ex boss who supported his music when he began Diamond Platnumz . This is after he left Wasafi and started his own record label Konde Music label . However yesterday Harmonize proove to be in good terms with him as he was performing a show . He stopped and called out diamond to be the best artist in Tanzania . He said that he knows that he is not in good terms with him but a spade should be called a spade .