The first law of power state that you should never outshine your boss, Tanzanian bongo musician Harmonize however tried to defy this law leading to his breakup with his musical parent Diamond platinum. Apart from his voice behind the mic and the poetic lyrics he sings any time he steps into the studio, one thing that very few people know about harmonize is that he possesses a golden heart.
since rising into the limelight and making money, the musician has showered his relatives, loved ones, and music associates with expensive gifts. car is just one form of the gift he gives those whom he values and the following is a full list of those he has gifted cars publicly;
1. Jose wa Mipango- Listening keenly to his never give up song, you won’t fail to notice him bigging up Jose. Apart from bigging him up in his music, Harmonize has gifted his record label manager Jose a Suzuki swift.
2. Jubalanti- Jabulanti is the musician’s official videographer, he was also lucky to drive away a brand new Toyota Vitz courtesy of the musician.
Angela- Angela was the second Kondegang signee and the first female signee of the label, Angela has also enjoyed working under Harmonize with the musician gifting her Toyota crown months after signing her.
3. Fridah Kajalah- Kajalah has broken up with the bongo star but one thing she won’t forget about the singer is the gifts he used to shower her with. one of the most memorable gifts is the Toyota crown she received from the musician.
4. Ibraah- Ibraah was the first signee of Kondegang label and the talented singer was welcomed to the record with a brand new Toyota Crown which is the make Harmonize has gifted most of his loved ones.
5. Country boy- The latest Kondegang signee Country boy also has something to smile about after he was gifted a brand new Toyota crown with the bongo star
6. Q Chief- Chief is probably one of the most die-hard fans of Kondeboy and he had his reward of a brand new Toyota Crown from the musician.
7. Parents- Harmonize’s parents are the final in this list but the first people to receive a car gift from the