Kimilili NGCDF vehicle with registration number GK948J has been impounded at the homestead of the Kimilili MP Didmus Barasa in Nasianda, Kimilili Constituency while with fully branded with UDA Party brandings and fixed with registration number KBS 709D.
In a joint operation involving the Government Check Unit officers from Nairobi, Serious Crimes personnel, DCI officers from Nairobi and Kimilili, the contingent raided the homestead of Barasa following tip-off and towed the vehicle to Kimilili police station and later to Bungoma before heading to Nairobi.
According to the police officers who handled the matter, they say that the registration number fixed on the Ford Ranger pick-up belongs to the brother of the vocal legislator who’s seeking a reelection to a second to serve as the MP on a UDA party ticket.
The member of Parliament who is in hideout is now being sought to face charges of forgery, theft of government vehicle among other serious offences.