Home Entertainment DJ Pierra Makena’s 7-year-old Daughter, Receives Her First Acting Role Alongside Awinja...

DJ Pierra Makena’s 7-year-old Daughter, Receives Her First Acting Role Alongside Awinja Nyamwalo 

DJ Pierra Makena is a joyful mother after her 7-year-old daughter landed her first acting role.
Image Courtesy| DJ Pierra Makena Instagram screengrab.

DJ Pierra Makena is a joyful mother after her 7-year-old daughter landed her first acting role.

Pierra took to Instagram to share the news with her followers, thanking the team for recognising Ricca’s brilliance.

Ricca will be accompanied by Jackie Vike, also known as Awinja Nyamwalo, an actress and comedian. The film’s plot is still unknown.

“My moment of tears of joy. Riccas first movie deal, and I am so proud of her. … I can’t express how grateful I am to the casting team and the directors/producers for seeing the talent in my little girl… she is away from me on set for 4 days, and I don’t even know how I feel…. Also knowing she is acting alongside @jackyvike I’m a bit relaxed ☺️ #congratulations my baby @riccapokotofficial” the happy mother captioned the video with her daughter.

She bid goodbye to Ricca in the video as she was being picked up by a bus for a four-day performance.

Makena has stated that she is not ready to share the name of her daughter’s father but that they have met once.

Makena acknowledged that her daughter is troubled by frequent queries about her father’s presence, but she also stated that she is able to face those concerns by lying to her that she travelled – a lie that she admits she will not continue to tell her daughter for the rest of her life.

“When she asks such questions about her father, she has an uncertain feeling of her father, but the questions she asks are ‘but have I ever seen him, where is he?’ professional’… “I always try to avoid such issues, but I also try to reassure her that ‘you know your father loves you’ just to make sure it doesn’t affect her negatively,” she stated in an interview with Mungai Eve.

“I believe when she becomes an adult, she will know what the world is like, and I hope she will not come to think of it in a negative way.” She went on to say.

Pierra Makena recently discussed her thoughts on having a second kid, expressing her current sentiments of shame and the difficulties of dealing with single parenthood.

She emphasised that her priority is to provide the best for her child and not to rush into extending her family.

“I never will, and may God help me.” I could never sue a man for child support. I wish I could take him to court to make him love the child. Allow them to manage their emotions. It’s just incorrect in my opinion. If my child and I can only afford one packet of milk, why should I drag him to court so he may bring two, as I believe he did?” She continued

Related post: DJ Pierra Makena calls out her Deadbeat Baby Daddy.

Despite the absence of fatherhood, DJ Pierra Makena is a dedicated lady who is focused on establishing and providing the greatest life for her child in the future. She is also an example to many single mothers who, despite the harsh economy, make sure their children have an a meal on the table.