Home News Nairobi Governor Johnson Sakaja Distributes 2,000 Title Deeds, Pledges to Expedite Land...

Nairobi Governor Johnson Sakaja Distributes 2,000 Title Deeds, Pledges to Expedite Land Ownership Process

Governor Johnstone Sakaja tour in cbd. photo courtesy/Sakaja
Governor Johnstone Sakaja tour in cbd. photo courtesy/Sakaja
  • Nairobi Governor Johnson Sakaja has issued 2,000 title deeds to deserving landowners in the county.
  • This marks the completion of Phase One of the process, with 7,500 title deeds remaining to be processed in Phase Two.
  • Governor Sakaja emphasizes the importance of granting rightful ownership to landowners who have waited for decades.

Nairobi Governor Johnson Sakaja has taken a significant step in addressing land ownership challenges in the county by issuing 2,000 title deeds to deserving landowners.

The issuance of these long-awaited ownership documents marks the successful completion of Phase One of the process, with the remaining 7,500 title deeds set to be processed expeditiously in Phase Two.

Sakaja on ownership

Expressing his satisfaction with the milestone, Governor Sakaja highlighted the importance of granting landowners the rightful ownership they have awaited for decades. He emphasized the significance of issuing title deeds not only to individual landowners but also to schools and public utilities, affirming his commitment to safeguarding their interests.

“We have issued 2,000 title deeds this morning to various landowners who have waited for decades for their ownership documents. We’ve also issued copies of titles for our schools and public utilities, which we vowed to protect,” Governor Sakaja stated.

Governor Sakaja further acknowledged the alarming statistic that 88% of county-allotted land in Nairobi remains untitled and unrated even after 45 years. Determined to rectify this situation, he assured the public that his administration is dedicated to changing this narrative and ensuring that all eligible landowners obtain their rightful title deeds.

To facilitate a more efficient and expedited process, Governor Sakaja announced the establishment of a Rapid Results team. This team will work diligently to process the remaining 7,500 title deeds in Phase two, ensuring that landowners receive their ownership documents promptly.

Significant milestone

The distribution of title deeds is a significant milestone for Nairobi County, as it not only strengthens property rights but also promotes economic growth and development. Landowners can now utilize their titles to access credit facilities, invest in their properties, and contribute to the overall prosperity of the county.

Governor Sakaja’s efforts to streamline the land ownership process are commendable, as they aim to resolve long-standing issues and provide tangible solutions to the challenges faced by landowners. By prioritizing the issuance of title deeds and establishing dedicated teams, the county administration is actively working towards creating a more transparent and accountable land governance system.

As Phase two progresses, Governor Sakaja and his team are committed to ensuring that all eligible landowners receive their title deeds promptly. This initiative will not only empower individuals but also contribute to the overall development and growth of Nairobi County.