Mukumu Girls’ High School has been hit by an outbreak of an unknown illness that has affected over 100 students and led to two fatalities.
The Ministry of Health, in conjunction with the Ministry of Education, dispatched a multi-agency team to investigate the outbreak and offer support to the affected students.
According to the latest government findings, a total of 108 cases of gastroenteritis have been reported at Mukumu Girls’ High School, with 68 managed as outpatients and 40 being admitted to hospitals. Of the admissions, 9 are at the Kakamega County Referral Hospital and 17 at Mukumu Mission Hospital. One student who was in a critical state has improved and been moved from the Intensive Care Unit through the High Dependency Unit to the general ward.
Preliminary patient samples collected have tested positive for enterotoxic Escherichia coli, Salmonella typhi, and Amoebiasis at the specialized KEMRI laboratories in Kisumu. However, patient samples tested negative for Vibrio cholerae and Marburg virus.
The government team investigating the outbreak has also collected environmental samples, including water and food, for testing at the Government Chemist and National Public Health Laboratories. The initial findings point to possible water contamination at the water reservoir, which is suspected to have caused the outbreak.
The Ministry of Health has urged the school administration to take immediate action to address the water contamination and prevent any further spread of the disease. The government has also urged all stakeholders to work together to ensure the affected students receive the necessary medical attention and support.
Parents and guardians of the affected students have been urged to seek medical attention if their children exhibit any symptoms of gastroenteritis, including diarrhea, vomiting, and stomach cramps. The Ministry of Health has assured the public that it is closely monitoring the situation and taking all necessary measures to contain the outbreak.
The government has appealed for calm and urged the public not to panic, assuring them that it is working closely with all stakeholders to ensure the situation is brought under control.