Comedian Timothy Kimani, popularly known as ‘Njugush’ has narrated how his ‘kind heart ‘ led him to being robbed in the middle of the night in Nairobi’s Central Business District (CBD).
In a series of Instagram stories, Njugush says he was robbed of his valuables and money by a gang of armed robbers along University Way, Thursday, after he stopped to help a woman who was masquerading as a street beggar but turned out she was in cohorts with the would be robbers.
He wrote on Instagram: “She smells [alcohol] but I guess ni stress so I teremsha kioo kidogo. She says she has kids who’ve not eaten for days.
“She looks beat and she told me she fends for herself because of an accident She tells me hataki pesa kama niko na food iko kwa gari nimpatie.
“I’m like I have kids and I think I’m convinced but just to see how maybe I can come through, I open the door.
“Ghafla been fu, 2 guys came in from my co-drivers side and that’s when I knew it has bitten each other. The lady says ukiitana nitapiga nduru niseme unataka kunirape.
“By the time najaribu kufikiria cinema kali nishawahi watch kisu ilikuwa kwa kahasho from my newly found co-driver.
“Sasa guys at this point nikajua baas, so the co-driver goes like “ala Njugush, leo tutacheka. They say they won’t be hard on me but their kids lazima wakule.
“Kwanza simu nikapeana, then nikawaambia labda wabebe costumes zilikuwa kwa gari, nikaekelewa kofi ile ya bladfwakni, so chap chap nikaitishwa M-Pesa Pin.
“By this time they are talking profanities. Nikawaambia niko tu na that mbili, they laughed as the lady huko nyuma anatransfer hio pesa, wakasema ‘kumbe ata wasanii kimewaumania, simkuje tupige job huku.
“They told me where to stop [and] the two jamaas alighted first, mrembo as she tried to alight, I saw the phone on her right hand. The engine was running and I tried grabbing my phone from her hand and it fell hapo chini back left.
“I knew that was my queue to speed as the guys walikua wameanza kurudi and off I left straight to Central (Police Station). Be on the lookout watuz opening the door is where I did it. Glad they didn’t harm me, wacha watoto wakakunywe maziwa lakini now I know better.
“Lakini kukaribishwa Nairobi nayo nimekaribishwa mara kadhaa.”