Home Lifestyle Dennis Itumbi: The rebel student who advanced through the ranks to become...

Dennis Itumbi: The rebel student who advanced through the ranks to become Deputy President William Ruto’s trusted man

Dennis Itumbi is Deputy President William Ruto’s current Digital Strategic Officer. During his school days. Catherine Wanjiku, her mother, referred to David as a rogue pupil.

Itumbi was frequently found in disciplinary actions at school.

Denis, according to his mother, would get expelled from school for a variety of reasons.

His mother continued switching schools, but Itumbi’s behaviour seemed determined. He was not going to change.

According to his mother, in one scenario. Itumbi may be expelled from school for resigning as a aprefect just because he disagreed with the school’s policies.

He was also involved in the operation of strikes at each of the schools he attended.

He was able to maintain his behaviour even after switching schools. Despite this, David was an excellent student in class. And a leader since his boyhood.

Dennis was previously applauded by the Deputy President’s brother, David Ruto, as someone who had transformed DP Ruto’s leadership.

According to David Ruto, Itumbi inspired a big number of young people to join the UDA.

During the August 2022 general elections, Itumbi was in command of UDA agents at the Hustlers Nation Intelligence Bureau (HNIB).

He formerly served as a statehouse spokesman before leaving to support DP Ruto’s presidential bid.