
Kenyan Graduates who have Killed their Dreams Before They Even Die are Struggling with these 5 Beliefs

“I am willing to work for free,” says a desperate young Kenyan graduate.

Every great achievement began with one person’s thoughts. They dared to dream, to believe it was possible. Allow yourself to ponder the question “What if?” for a time. Consider the obstacles that may be impeding your progress.

Think of your ambitions and the imprint you wish to leave on the world. The disparity between our ambitions and the initiatives that occur is astounding.

These are five things to avoid if you want to achieve your goals, according to a large survey of major successful individuals.

1. Believe in quick success– Early success can sometimes be dangerous and eventually become a big source of self-sabotage if you have weak self-control. Success can either make you or break you immediately.

One of the reasons why you don’t have what you want in life is simply because you’re not ready for it. It only works if you worked hard previous to your triumph.

It is impossible to achieve sudden success. Overnight success is the result of all you’ve done in your life up to that point.

2. Believe that it is only dreams that are important- Climbing Mount Kenya’s top requires a lot of work and days. You may only stay at the summit for a few hours before descending. Life is the same way; it’s all about the trip, not the destination.

Some ambitions may take a lifetime to achieve. People should appreciate their ambitions since they are just transitory, but your life is not. The only approach to truly fulfilling you aspire to fully appreciate each step along the path.

Make a lesson out of it if you trip. If everything goes smoothly, rejoice, since some people wait much too long to rejoice. You will appreciate your travel if it becomes a lesson or a celebration.


3. Believe that you are not at fault– “I achieved excellent performance in college, but no one employs me,” people would always remark.

“Why don’t they hire me?” “I have the necessary qualifications.” The market may be awful, but if no one sees or hires you, something is wrong with you.

It may be difficult to obtain work, but if you have ambitions, you must pursue them. If you don’t make them happen, you are solely responsible. Take responsibility for your goals.

4. Believe that settling down is good if your progress is assured– Everything is fine; you have a good staff, your income is increasing, and future growth is assured. It’s time to get comfortable.

It’s never okay to be okay. “When I’m approaching a peak, I push harder than ever to reach another peak.” Do you ever wonder why Bill Gates, the world’s richest man, never stops working?

He discovers a new crest. He puts forth more effort to ensure that a new version of Microsoft Windows is delivered to the public. He can only glimpse a higher peak. There is never a good moment to relax. It’s magical to believe in your dreams.

5. Believe that others have the solutions and rely on them- Isn’t it true that your friends, family, and coworkers want to help? Everyone in your immediate environment has an opinion on what you should do or which path you should pursue.

At some time in life, you’ll be faced with an unlimited number of options, and you’ll need to make decisions. No one truly knows your aspirations or has the correct answers for your life.

You are the only one who knows your dreams or what you desire in life. Making personal decisions is an important step in realizing your goals.

Just know living your dreams does not imply that you are outside of reality; rather, it implies that you are part of a larger reality: a potential reality. Dreamers, if they dream effectively, are strategists, not just dreamers, since they are conceiving a new possible reality at the same time.

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