Home News A boy’s head turns to a pig’s head after stealing a pig

A boy’s head turns to a pig’s head after stealing a pig

Whichcraft in Africa is becoming an art which is now  used to punish those who steal people’s properties.

Just magine your head turning to a pig’s head just for stealing someone’s pig. This is the incidence that took part recently in Africa.

The phrase “Your days are numbered is” now becoming like a song to everyone’s mouth in which everybody ignores it untill the 40th day comes.

Somewhere in Malawi, a young boy stole a pig not knowing that his days to be cought had reached. After a successful theft, the boy thought he had made it.

The owner decided to teach the thief a lesson by performing witchcraft. This caused the thief’s head to turn a pig’s head he had stolen earlier.

Few days later he was forced to look for the owner of the pig he stole to turn back his head to normal.

Watch video through the link below.

